Monday, December 21, 2009

First Round of Construction Materials Transported

On 19th Dec 2009, with the help of Dr. Damber Bahadur Nepali, local correspondent, Mr. Ramhari Shrestha and two other villagers- the Chairman and Treasurer of the Committee overseeing this project, most of the materials were successfully purchased and transported. All the material purchased from the nearby city- Banepa and was dropped off at a location closest to the village where the vehicle could reach. The village is approximately 2 hours away on foot from that location. The materials included High Density Polyethylene Pipe, cement, wire, galvanized corrugated sheet as roof, nails, etc. required to begin the construction work at the site. All the materials now need to be carried one by one by the villagers to the actual project site at the village from the drop-off location. Since it was Saturday, not all the materials could be transported so a second and possibly third trip to transport the remaining materials and equipment is still necessary. However, thanks to Dr. Nepali for his supervision, Mr. Shrestha and the two representative villagers who helped make the day successful.

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